May 19, 2020

Should You Break the Rules? When It’s OK to Be a Financial Rebel

You have been at this financial thing for a little while now and you can’t stop wondering if there’s a better way to do things. There are so many steps […]
May 12, 2020

Are You Making Any of These 4 Mistakes When Creating Your Budget?

Another month goes by and you completely blew your budget. You can’t figure out where you are going wrong or how this keeps happening. You make good money, but you […]
May 5, 2020

3 Money Lessons I Learned From My Mom

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes My mom has taught me a lot in life. I am privileged to say that my mom is my best friend. My mom didn’t just […]
April 28, 2020

Why Did My Credit Score Drop? Top 3 Surprising Reasons

Why did this happen? You are doing everything right. You are paying all your bills on time and even paying down debt. All your hard work is not being shown on your credit score.
April 21, 2020
Financial Timeout

How To Take a Financial Timeout Even If You Can’t Afford It

Have you ever wanted to just put yourself into timeout? You just want to take a break from it all and then come back to it later. Have you ever […]
March 15, 2019
Does you ego cost you money

Does Your Ego Cost You Money? Mine does…

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you ever spent money just to prove someone wrong? My ego gets the best of me all the time and I spend money just […]